Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spoiler alert: Transfers actually happen.

Yep. I like to cut to the chase. I was transferred. Can you believe it? 7 months in Prossind, the land I love, but I am now in Guarabira. That's about a 2 hour bus ride west (yes, far from the beach). Its all farmland and hills and BEAUTIFUL. I will be working right in the heart of the city and I couldn't be more excited. We are ready to work com força! 

But...I guess I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Wrapping things up in Prossind: Sister Moore was sick all week. I don't have my camera but next week I will send the pics of us in the hospital- twice. CRAZY. And we still don't really know what she had. Thankfully, she is better now, but it was a week of trouble work-wise. However, we still had our miracle baptism. Why was it a miracle? This was a street contact my trainer did on our first day in my Prossind. He was one of our first investigators. He was walking home and smoking and she crossed the road to talk to him. He accepted baptism and we taught him a few times. But.... his brother-in-law freaked out. Called us a cult- threw the Book of Mormon to us and told us never to come back. So, during these 6 months, I have seen Antonio a lot. He always passed by saying, ``Hi, Irmã``. Then one day I invited him to church again, asking permission of his lovely brother, and everything went very well. We started teaching him again and he was baptized- just like that. It was so amazing to have my last baptism in Prossind be my first real investigator that I taught there. It was really surreal, and something I will never forget. It makes me so happy to see how much he wants to change his life. He quit drinking in one day and quit smoking in 2 and is now teaching himself to read. Miracle. I am so grateful. It was really an amazing exit- out of the area I love. 

The hard part was Jaqueline. She did not take the news too well... and I really miss her already. I really love that girl, and she will always hold a piece of my heart--someone I will never forget. She is the angel God sent me- the greatest blessing and miracle I have seen on my mission so far. But, I am not afraid. I know it is not goodbye forever- she will be a friend forever- for all eternity. The prayer in my heart is that she continues strong and faithful, and that God keeps her on the earth to continue His work despite all of her illness and cancer. 

I am going to keep my head up and start the work here head-on sprinting. I am so ready for this area! I am so excited for all the possibilities here and I couldn't be happier. I know God knows perfectly where each of His children need to be and at each specific moment that they need to be there. I am ready to find who God is preparing here in Guarabira. 

Fun facts about Guarabira: Its a branch, not a ward yet. (YET) There are 3 companionships- 4 sisters and 2 elders- so its just our district and we will be eating together every day and working as a really close-knit team. Stoked. I am living with 2 Americans and a Brazilian. I already was living with Willette in Prossind and the other american, Mingledorf is my companion. She is so sweet! I love her already. I am so stoked! The Brazilian is from São Paulo. My DL is also from Sao Paulo. Our stake/zone is pretty small. Just a few elders that are working in Mamanguape and Sister Woodland from my MTC district. Cool, right? Even cooler: My LZ played lacrosse for BYU. Yes. Our zone is going to be unstoppable. So thrilled. Sister Moore stayed in Prossind and will be taking care of our investigators. I am really happy about that- she is going to work miracles there and I will definitely miss her, but I know we are called to do different things right now. I am grateful for all that she taught me, along with all of the companions I have had until this point. God has blessed me so much. I don't deserve all He has given me. 

Sorry- no pics right now. My camera is still packed away in my bag. Lots to do today- going to be crazy unpacking and adjusting to a new area- but I am happy. Good news! There is a post office here... meaning... I may be a better missionary and actually send letters more frequently? I make no promise-'s better than nothing. 

OK. I have taken enough of your time. Really, thanks for everything. Keep pressing forward- you're doing great at what you do. I love you all and wish the greatest of blessings for each of you and for your loved ones. Have a wonderful week. Be safe. I will write again Monday will all the details of my area- you cant get mad yet, Kim, because I haven't met anyone yet. But... my companion says we should have 4 baptisms today. WHAT????? That's all I know. We will see how that goes down. 

Sister Seal

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