Monday, July 21, 2014

Finally some pictures!

Happy Birthday, Logan!

Happy Birthday, Logan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was the best week of the transfer for sure! For starters, a car just passed by blasting the song ``Love the Way You Lie`` by Eminem and Rihanna. First time that I have heard that song on my mission. Made. My. Day. But...coming back down to earth—we had a baptism yesterday! Nilva! It was really sweet. I sent pictures to mom—hopefully they turn up on the blog. 
We are working hard. One thing we have started doing is that every day we write a list of miracles that we saw in our planner and then put the list in our journal. Man is it helping me to see how much God loves us and blesses us. A member in our branch told me the way to measure success on a mission is to count how many people you can make smile every day. I love that idea. :)
Funny story of the week- we went tracting. (which is way easier in Brazil than in the states, btw.) Anyways, I went up to a door to knock and this dumb dog comes out raging mad. I saw every one of his teeth and thought he was going to kill me. But afterwards, I almost died laughing. Everyone warned me in blogs before the mission that dogs would be an issue- I just never had a problem before this week. But, man, did that dog chase me! And quite frankly, he only made me remember that I’m kinda out of shape hahahaha!
I love you guys. Sorry, out of time, de novo, but I sent a ton of pics. be happy :)
LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister M. Seal

Monday, July 14, 2014


Gente, I´m just going to make a public apology: I am getting lazy. You may or may not have noticed that my emails leave much to be desired. It's the truth, but at least I am aware of it and admit it? 

I don't know what to say other than I am well. We are working hard. Brazil took 4th- thats the best news I´ve got. And the world cup is over. Congrats to Germany! 

I heard something really cool the other day, "If you want your kids to talk to you when they´re older, talk to them when they´re younger". Don't shut them out--make time for them NOW, and they will make more time for you LATER. It was a really cool ad I saw... and anyways, thought I´d pass it along. The other idea was "if there is no communication, little problems quickly become big problems" and "Children spell love 'T-I-M-E'"

Yes, that makes me a hypocrite- because I am not doing a good job of giving you all time, am I? hahaha I will repent.

Ok. Shoot. Out of time. Love you. 

Sister M. Seal